Thursday, January 14, 2010

Snow, Ice, Pot Holders, and Leaves

We did get a little bit of snow here. It covered the ground and the roads for a few days. Ben ran out the morning it snowed and took this great picture for me. He noticed yesterday that the water coming out of the gutter drain was frozen and told me to take a cool picture of it. The sun was setting right behind it so it did turn out pretty cool!We did let Hatcher walk out in the snow and throw a few snowballs, but that was about all. It was so cold and he was already sick, so we just stayed inside most of the time. Hatcher has perfected the art of lounging around. Here he is just chillin' in the den with nerf darts all around him. The nerf gun is definitely a favorite pasttime of Hatcher and Ben! Hatcher has been using his imagination so much lately! He told me the other day that he was going to go and cook supper for daddy. I asked him what he was going to make and he told me "make daddy donuts!!" He loves to imitate everything we do, especially kitchen stuff. Here he is with a pot that he got out of the cabinet that he is holding with a hot pad in each hand! He came up and told me it was hot so I told him i was proud of him for using hot pads so he didn't get burned. :) what he comes up with is so fun! When we put the Christmas decorations away I pulled out some snowmen and set them up in the den. There were four of them and they just kinda looked like our family, so I told Hatcher that the big one was daddy, the next biggest was mommy, and the little one with the green hat was Hatcher, and the little one with the blue hat was Elsie. Hatcher loved this idea and remembered which one was which and he loves to knock them over and play with them! Here is Ben attacking Hatcher with the "daddy snowman". It is January, so we finally decided to rake our yard. :) or maybe I should say that I finally started it so Ben would have to finish it. :) haha! he does such a great job at work all day long that I hate for him to come home and have to work all night too! so I raked all the leaves into piles and then Ben started to move them to the street where the city will come by and pick them up. Ben's method of moving them to the street was by putting the leaves into a big box and then taking the box over to the street and dump them out. Hatcher had a great time playing with his daddy and the big box and all the leaves! Here is a picture of him in one of the leaf piles. And here is me and Elsie yesterday. This is what she did while I raked leaves...hung out and got an up-close view of all the raking action! We are also still playing alot of ping pong in the basement at night as we wait for little Elsie to get sleepy. Here is Hatcher playing under the ping pong table. He loves playing in the "base-peps" as he calls it. :) Well, I always like to end with some really cute pictures. Today they are of little miss elsie. This morning I put her in one of the outfits that I wore when I was little. She was almost too big for it. I actually had to take her diaper off to get it fastened! :) I guess I should have put her in this outfit about a month ago! oh well! She looked really cute and I love that my mom saved this outfit and gave it to me!

thanks for stopping by!!


Jess said...

Awww - Miss Elsie is looking so cute!! I hope I get a chance to meet her before too long :).

jenniferdewald said...

Wow, Jenny, Elsie is beautiful and looking more and more like you! Come see us sometime, we miss you!

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