Wednesday, March 31, 2010


today is such a gorgeous day! this morning I took the kiddos outside in the driveway and we had some playdoh fun! Hatcher loved using all the little gadgets in his playdoh set. Elsie wanted to eat it all so bad!! She did ok sitting there playing with a few toys, but she really started to get upset that she was not playing with what Hatcher had. She is so observant and wants to be a part of everything we do! She is sitting up pretty well now so she loves to just sit and watch Hatcher. Anytime she is sitting in my lap while I am eating she is always opening her mouth hoping that the fork is coming to her instead of to me! She is going to be a good eater! She just turned 5 months old and she cut her first tooth the next day! She is so much fun and Ben is really starting to play/rough-house with her a little more and he is loving that she is not so "fragile". :) Here she is trying to eat Ben's hair!This morning Hatcher was sitting up on the couch beside Elsie and I thought "oh how cute. I wonder if I could snap a picture of them together." Always high hopes, but usually not good results. This is what picture taking is like in our house with a rambunctious two year old. He sees the camera coming (even though I do my best to hide it) and he jumps over Elsie which she thinks is really funny, so she starts laughing. He continues to be rowdy and Elsie starts to not like all of the activity. Elsie is then done with all of the rough-housing around her and begins to cry so that I will save her, and then Hatcher sits up and smiles perfectly for the camera. haha. I'll end on a cute picture of her in her chair. This is how I get to take a shower, with her playing in the chair right beside the shower. She usually does pretty good in it! Enjoy this beautiful day that the Lord has made!


Jess Gordon said...

So many cute pics, where to begin? Great idea to bring the play doh outside, I will have to try that! The kids are looking SO adorable!! I remember how tough it was to get pics of Gabe at two, luckily it gets easier :).

Julie Rodgers said...

What cute kids you have!!! I can't believe how Elsie is growing. She looks like you!! :)

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