Thursday, April 1, 2010

Professional Pictures

Elsie had a doctor's appointment this morning and everything looks good! It was supposed to be her 4 month well-baby check-up but it got pushed back to 5 months. She weighed 15 lbs 7 ozs! She is in the 90th percentile for height and weight. I can definitely attest to her being a good eater, especially since she eats all day and night! She is still not a good sleeper, but she is a very happy baby! The doctor was amazed at how well she could sit up by herself and said that was a 6 month milestone, so she is ahead of the game there! My mom came to help me with the kiddos this past weekend while Ben was away on his "man trip" with his brothers, dad, and uncle. We took the kids to get their pictures made and I thought I would show you some of the shots. We'll start off with my favorite one of Hatcher...what a little stud!! He was definitely NOT in the picture taking mood and was a handful the entire time. We only got a few decent ones of him, which I am very grateful for! Elsie was just precious and seemed to get everyone's attention with all of her hair and her cute little bows! She had lots of smiles for the camera! Hatcher loved this "Hatcher-size" chair and kept trying to sit in it when it was on the side, so we just pulled it over to the backdrop and let him have fun sitting in it. It was worth a few smiles! Here is one of Elsie's head shots. Then she made it through an outfit change and looked sweet sitting up in the little chair.Thanks for stopping by!


Emily said...

They are so cute!!!!

Jess Gordon said...

What sweet pics! I was so surprised the other day when you mentioned Elsie can sit up. Julia is only barely starting to and she is almost 7 months old.

Jessica said...

Love all of the pictures! They are both growing up so quickly!

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