Sunday, November 30, 2008

Good Times over Thanksgiving

well, we had a great thanksgiving with both sides of the family. unfortunately ben was sick, so he did not get to see my side of the family. we have all been sick recently, but i think we are all on the upswing! here are some pics from our festivities...first from the wofford house, here is hatcher hanging out with my dad, the pups, and grampy (who is getting the back of his ear cleaned by brownie :) and here is nanow with her two great-grandbabies, hatcher and jaden (andy's little boy)...and here is our proud papa with his arms full of grandbabies. he was so good with the little ones, always wanting to hold them, walk with them, talk with them, and play with them. so fun to watch! we had a great time with my mom and dad, andy, jess, jaden, and paul. then hatch and i headed back to madison to get ben and head to his family in bremen georgia. mom let me make us some great to-go plates of food so that ben could share in the thanksgiving festivities, so when i got there we sat down to our own little family thanksgiving...good times and great food! then we packed the car up again and headed to bremen. hatcher traveled really well even though he didn't sleep any on the way there. hatcher had a great time seeing everyone and hanging out with his cousin braylen. here is a pic of ben, hatcher, braylen, and ben's brother dan in the tent in the den together. they had a great time playing in there!and here are hatcher and braylen playing in the kitchen one morning...on saturday we headed to birmingham to watch the iron bowl at steve and annette's house. we had a great time there too even though the game was not too much to watch. we headed home after the game so we could all sleep in our own beds and try to get over our sicknesses. today we just laid low and rested to try to get over whatever we all have. i know the nursery workers at church would probably have turned us away at one cough from hatcher...poor little guy sounds terrible everytime he coughs :( hopefully he will get better very soon especially since sleeping doesn't come easy when you are trying to suck on your pacifier and you can't breath through your nose. poor guy. we started to put up our christmas decorations and i'll have to post that soon. love all you guys and enjoy this wonderful season of focusing on Christ being born to live a sinless life...simply wonderful. merry christmas!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

It looks like you guys had a great Thanksgiving. Sorry to hear that you all had a bug.

Just curious... You mentioned the name "Wofford" in your post. I had a band director in high school that had that last name. He grew up in Mississippi. I have never heard anyone else use that name before. Small World. :)

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