Saturday, October 24, 2009

Getting Settled

Hi Everyone! We are really getting settled here in our new home in Georgia. I think we only have around 5 boxes scattered around the house left to deal with. We have begun putting pictures on the walls and making it more homey. I have really gotten motivated to finish up over the past few days because I am having lots of contractions! Here are a few snapshots of our home. This one is of the den, which we are still working on hanging the pictures above the fireplace and decorating the mantel, but it is coming along nicely. This is a shot of the dining room. We got the table set up and decorated and the curtains fixed cute, but there are actually 2 boxes left in the room and walls in desperate need of decoration. These are a couple of Elsie's room. It has probably been the least worked on room in the house, mainly because we do not have all of the furniture here yet and we don't want to decorate until we decide how the room will be laid out. But these pictures show what we have done which is install a ceiling fan (ben did a great job and I love the fun ceiling in this room!), set-up the rocking chair (and notice the cute polka dot blanket with Elsie's name embroidered on it. thanks candace! (ben's boss at Southwire)), spread out the cute girly rug, and set-up the pack-n-play with a pink blanket and pink boppy. We have the curtain rod to go up, but I am still looking for fabric to make the curtains. We are going to Newnan tonight, so maybe there will be a fabric store there that I can look in. fun projects!!
Hatcher is still just as fun as ever! He is talking SO much, pretty much saying everything and putting multiple words together. Quite a while back he learned that steam rises off of hot stuff, so anytime he sees steam he points it out and says steam. Well, over the past few days he noticed many things that he has thought looked like steam and pointed them out to us. Some of them were when we open the freezer and the cold air comes out, it looks like steam; the clouds were moving really fast in the sky yesterday and hatcher pointed to them and said steam; we were enjoying a nice lunch at moe's the other day until a lady came outside to smoke and hatcher saw the smoke rising and said steam. Ben and I thought they were all very good observations on his part! It is so fun watching him learn.One other little story...Hatcher brought me a book that he loves to read about Jesus being a very special baby. As he was bringing it to me he was saying, "I love you Jesus, I love you Jesus." it was very sweet.

Last night I went out shopping while Hatcher and Ben hung out at the house. Ben said they had a GREAT time playing and Hatcher was awesome the whole time. They started out playing in the backyard hitting wiffle golf balls and then they came in and played "tent" for a while with a sheet in the den and then Ben decided to put together Hatcher's dino tent and they played in for a while before eating supper. Then I got a cute picture/sound message on my phone while I was in Target and it showed Hatcher's first shower. Ben turned the shower on in Hatcher's tub and he said Hatcher loved it! It's always fun when daddy is in charge!! afterwards, they brushed teeth, put jammies on, and rocked and prayed together and hatcher whispered "i love you" over and over through his pacifier while they were rocking. ben said it was an awesome night! he is such a good daddy!! All of these pictures of Hatcher were taken by me yesterday as we were playing while waiting on ben to get home from work. hatcher was having so much fun running from the foyer to the den and right past mommy's tickling fingers. he was giggling so hard and having so much fun! then we went in the kitchen and he hid in the cabinets from me, which is always great fun as he yells "bye-bye" and then shuts the cabinet door and then says "dark" to let me know it is dark in there. then i say over and over "where is hatcher? where is hatcher?" and he opens the door giggling and says "hi!" and I act surprised that he is in the cabinet and he thinks it is great fun! i do too just because of how much fun he has doing it!! he really is so much fun to play with! anyway, hope all is well with you and I'll keep you posted on the status of little Elsie and when she decides to arrive!

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