Friday, February 19, 2010

Joy and Melt-downs

I love this little girl! She is such a joy to be around! I love my little guy too. He is in the process of teaching me patience and self-control like I have never know before! :) His two year old personality/independence has hit hard recently. Today we went to Wal-Mart and started off in the produce section at the front of the store. I got a baggie to put some green apples in and a mini-meltdown occurred. I asked him if he wanted a baggie of his own and proceeded to tear another one off and I gave it to him. I then started to open the original baggie and I put the apples in and another mini-meltdown occurred. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he didn't want a baggie. ok, so I took the baggie back. :) Moving on, we headed over to the banana display and I picked up a banana and laid it down on top of the green apples in our cart. Major meltdown occurs. Apparently that is not where the banana was supposed to go. I move the banana to the other side of the cart and the major meltdown continues. Very loud whining and crying. After a heart-to-heart talk with him and the promise of a spanking if this behavior continues (and maybe the promise of a marshmallow when we got in the car) :) we continued on and had a very pleasant shopping experience in wal-mart.


Emily said...

So sorry Hatcher has been rough. I know how it can be. Nothing like being totally embaressed by a screaming 2 year old in Walmart! You can make it through!

Tam said...

Oh Jenny I feel your pain. Katelyn is so adorable and I love her to pieces, but sometimes I just don't know what to do with her. I have a really awful sinus infection and she has been having meltdowns all morning over nothing! God give me patience : )

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