Monday, August 16, 2010

Storm Doors, Standing, and Long Hair

Just like everyone else I'm sure, but we've been busy lately! Some of the most fun things to update on are we finally joined a church here and we have almost finished putting up our storm door that we started last fall! It's hard to believe that the end of September will mark a year for us in this house. God has blessed us so very much! We are excited about getting plugged in to some ministries this fall! Hatcher will be old enough to be in a class like Awana this fall, so that will be fun! Elsie did better in the nursery this past Sunday, so maybe she will settle into a groove at church too. She is still loving to eat, she makes lots of sounds like she is imitating us saying "bye bye", "night night", and "i love you", and she is getting really good at just standing up in the middle of a room without holding on to anything. She is really getting her balance under control. She loves to walk all the way across the room while she pushes this little walker truck that Hatcher had. She would do it over and over if she didn't keep needing someone to turn it around for her every time she runs into a wall. :) I need to get a good picture of her doing it. It is always really cute to see how babies walk when they first learn, and she is no exception! These pictures are a few pictures I snapped of Elsie on Sunday just standing around in the kitchen and then I turned around and she had climbed up on the dishwasher that I was unloading the clean dishes from. She LOVES to climb!! I really think she climbs more than Hatcher ever did. I don't really have any new pictures of Hatcher to share except for those of you that were hoping that we would take our son to get a haircut, well we finally did. I don't have an "after" picture, but here is how long his hair got (and Ben loved it!! He did NOT want me to get Hatcher's hair cut, but once it got so far in his eyes, he thought we probably should take him.) Maybe next time I'll have a good picture of him. Have a great week!


Jess said...

Great update :). The kids are looking so cute!!

Jess said...

Great update :). The kids are looking so cute!!

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