Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hatcher cut his first tooth today!

hatcher is 3.5 months old today and he cut his first tooth today! He chews on my fingers alot and when he was doing it today, I felt something sharp. I checked it out and his tiny little tooth had just broken the surface of his little gums. Here is a picture of him taken this cute!
he has been drooling and chewing alot recently. He has also just started to get the hang of grabbing a toy and getting it near (sometimes in) his mouth. Here he is with his bumblebee...
Sometimes he gets the toy in his mouth, but most times he ends up with his hand or as many fingers as he can fit in his mouth...
He is such a happy, fun baby! I love being his mommy! It is a good bit of work, but nothing compares to it! He goes to sleep at 7pm and is up a few times in the night still and then he is ready to play at 5am. it does help that he is predictable, though. :)
Here are some random pictures of everyday life with hatcher...
asleep on daddy...
happy in the snugli with mommy...
asleep in his swing...
just happy-go-lucky...
hanging out with papa...
daddy is on duty (notice the video game controller in his hands)...
being sweet for mommy...
asleep on daddy again...
he wakes up so happy most of the time...
I also had a little photo shoot of the hatcher a few days ago. Here are a few cute pics...
and finally, here are a few pictures from Easter...
hope you enjoyed all the pictures! thanks for stopping by!


Sweet Mama K said...

The Easter pictures are sooo cute! I can't wait to squeeze him.

Oh and we're definately looking forward to a rummikub match

Tam said...

He is too adorable, Jenny! I can't believe he cut a tooth already.

T & K

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