Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jenny Jumperoo

Someone at Ben's work gave us this jumper and I decided to let Elsie try it out yesterday. I know it will take a few times for her to figure out what to do in it. Her favorite thing about it yesterday was to chew and suck on it. I put her hair up in a little bow up front instead of to the side like usual and I thought it was really cute. She still had all of her hair sticking up in the back, so that was kinda funny. It looks like she is jumping and really laughing in these pictures, but she really just has her feet up in the air and is having herself a good 'ole time!


Julie Rodgers said...

Adorable!!! I love it!!! :)

Jessica said...

Bailey loves these pictures, and so do I! She saw them and said 'Elsie!' I like the hairbow in the middle on top too!

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